Friday 13 December 2013

My Everyday Makeup

If anything changes almost weekly, it's my daily makeup routine. Some weeks I'll be in love with a Benefit Dandelion blusher, others I'll be back with my Sleek Sweet Cheeks palette. However, one thing I can say is I always go back to every product, rediscovering it time and time again.

Nonetheless, here is my current everyday makeup.

As you may know, I am currently in school, so on a weekday, I stick to just concealer, eye shadow, mascara, highlighter and filling in my eyebrows. However, any other time, I use every item in this box. I don't want to go into every item in detail, because I have endless amounts to say about each product. So, if you would like me to review a specific product, or have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to leave a comment.

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Molly x